Pray for Deep State Watchers

In my Deep State dream I saw the cat let the mouse get away because it was afraid of the mouse. Although the DOJ and FBI have been stonewalling, Congress have not been diligent to pursue justice and remove “The Deep State”. Judicial Watch has taken up this responsibility to investigate and bring to justice these departments. Let’s keep praying wisdom, insight and refreshing for Judicial Watch as they pursue “The Deep State”.

“Judicial Watch is always the only game in town. We are doing things Congress isn’t doing, and it will even be more evident in the coming year with the shift in power. With the New Year, we still have the utter corruption in the Department of Justice and the FBI. Not enough has been done to stop the Deep State coup against the president. We now have more than 30 lawsuits in the matter. In the Clinton case, as 2018 came to an end, a federal court compelled her to answer our questions about her email practices that she had refused to answer. Our lawsuits broke open the Clinton email scandal, and our related work will continue in 2019.” JW

Source: Weekly Update: Happy New Year! – Judicial Watch


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