Euthanasia NZ

This is a challenging intercession. Most New Zealanders and government members support euthanasia.  When praying about this I had a vision of an eye. Although we empathise with people who have committed suicide, no where in the Bible did God honour those who helped people commit suicide. I believe the interpretation of the vision is to pray, the eyes of New Zealanders and the government be opened to see, euthanasia is helping people kill themselves. Let’s also pray the Church will rise up and help people die with dignity rather than commit suicide!

Wikipedia: “The End of Life Choice Bill is a bill before the New Zealand Parliament that seeks to give people with a terminal illness or a grievous and irremediable medical condition the option of requesting assisted dying.[1] ACT New Zealand MP David Seymour entered it into the private member’s bill ballot on 14 October 2015.[2] The bill passed its first reading on 13 December 2017, with 76 votes in favour, 44 opposed.”

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