Globalist agenda and money

February 15, 2023 Tim 0

The Globalist agenda is becoming clearer each day. The Covid crisis was organised on a global scale, possibly by the World Economic Forum or following […]

The devil is in the details!

October 25, 2022 Tim 0

When Democrats hired a polling company, apparently they were asked, “What results would you like?” Dishonest people can manipulate or make statistics look true. According […]

Transgender fallout

October 20, 2022 Tim 0

The John Hopkins University and Swedish Government found, after 30 years of peer reviewed research, the suicide rate amoung trans people was 20 times higher […]

No vaccine safety testing

July 12, 2022 Tim 0

It just keeps getting more and more evil! After putting out the most dangerous vaccines ever produced, they now want to pump out more without […]

Cooling down the scare tactics

June 8, 2022 Tim 0

Guy Hatchard writes a true, thought provoking article on the fear and anxiety caused by people in authority. Responsible and effective leaders provide positive environments […]

D’Souza debunking Mules’ critics

May 20, 2022 Tim 0

Dinesh D’Souza goes step by step debunking rediculous accusations against the 2,000 Mules movie. Great entertainment exposing nonsensical thinking of the extreme left! Keep declaring […]

God is exposing

May 19, 2022 Tim 0

Elon is wanting an open and transparent platform for the People to discuss and share their thoughts. He asked Twitter for the data behind the […]