Prayer answered. Truth Revealed! ‘No evidence’ to back Kavanaugh accusers claims. FBI

I have expressed my reservations about Ford’s story. It is also possible the whole thing was a sham and the Democrats were involved. Rick Joyner believes her story was a fake! Fortunately the #MeToo movement support grew after the Kavanaugh hearing despite it being stained by the Democrats and Ford who appear to have used it for political gain. The hearing backfired on the Democrats, stirring up Republicans to go out and vote for justice. Thank you Lord for answering our prayer and bringing the truth to light.

My assessment of the hearing

Fox News reports the FBI findings.

The sexual misconduct allegations came during the committee’s hearings to decide whether Kavanaugh, whom President Trump nominated in July to succeed retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, would be confirmed. Kavanaugh’s nomination set off a battle between Republicans, most of whom defended the judge, and Democrats, who pushed for a large-scale investigation into the women’s allegations.

Among those questioned, the report said, were Mark Judge, PJ Smyth, and Leland Keyser, the three individuals whom accuser Christine Blasey Ford claimed were present in the house when Kavanaugh allegedly threw her on a bed and sexually assaulted her sometime in the 1980s.

via ‘No evidence’ to back Kavanaugh accusers’ claims, Senate panel’s report on FBI probe finds | Fox News


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