Prophecy Being Fulfilled: Fox News BEATS CNN and MSNBC ratings combined! Public say Media are dividing the Nation!

God said and we prayed, God would expose and bring down the fake media. Two media giants critical of Trump, MSNBC and CNN, have less prime viewers than Fox News which is supportive of Trump, 2.8M Fox News to 1.85M for MSNBC, less for CNN!

Trump’s favourite news outlet, which he tunes into every morning to watch conservative news talk programme Fox & Friends, posted an average of 2.8million “primetime” viewers in total in October.

Primetime TV is defined in the US as between 8.00pm and 11.00pm Eastern Time when most people are home from work and catching up with the news or their favourite shows.

Fox News beat its rival networks MSNBC and CNN with viewing figures that represent a 25 percent increase from a year ago, according to Nielsen Media Research.

MSNBC, which broadcasts Morning Joe – a programme usually critical of Trump and Fox News, placed second overall for October with an average of 1.58million viewers.

via US midterm elections: Fox News BEATS CNN and MSNBC ratings, Nielsen Media research says | World | News |

The public say the news media are dividing the Nation!

Nov. 01, 2018 – 4:25 – ‘MediaBuzz’ host Howard Kurtz weighs in on the Politico and Morning Consult poll that lays the blame for a divided country at both President Trump and the mainstream media.


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