Unbelievable! Rosenstein Confiding to Mueller

You know what I think! It appears Mueller was applying for Head of the FBI position (witnessed by Pence) as a “Deep State” actor to bring down Trump. When Trump rejected him for the position, “The Deep State” moved to plan B, the Trump Russia collusion led by Mueller.

“Keep praying Church, we know “The Deep State” will hang on their own gallows!” Cindy Jacobs prophecy

What do you think?

Sidney Powell notes; Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein are supposedly linked to the “Uranium One” deal, where $120M was traced from the Russian company, which bought 20% of US uranium, through several fake companies into the Clinton Foundation bank account! Alarming, Suspicious!

JudicialWatch: New documents suggest that Robert Mueller was aspiring to become the FBI Director while simultaneously agreeing to secretly spy on the President for deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. The cooperation between Mueller and Rosenstein is now as clear as ever, revealing the extent of the inner machinations of the politicized and corrupt DOJ.


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