Trump removes AG Sessions and appoints Whitaker – Judicial Watch

DS Cat Mouse 1The removal of AG Sessions is key to “Draining the swamp”. In my cat and mouse “Deep State” dream I saw the authorities did not have the teeth to pursue and prosecute “The Deep State” actors. Now we will see some action. I agree with Tom Fitton’s assessment of the change in AG .

Let’s keep praying the Mueller investigation will hang on it’s own gallows (Cindy Jacobs). Maybe Whitaker can keep the Mueller investigation going, remove Rosenstein and Mueller then replace them with someone who will investigate Clinton’s e-mail, Comey’s white wash, Strozk’s insurance policy, Page, Khan’s case, Holder allowing cartels to have guns and others who appear to be corrupt. Let’s see what happens.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, bringing an end to his controversial tenure as the nation’s top law enforcement officer:

I hope transparency and rooting out corruption and abuse becomes the focus of any new Attorney General. President Trump has been terribly victimized by Justice Department and FBI corruption. The Justice Department was a black hole in terms of transparency. It covered up institutional misconduct and, unbelievably, went out of its way to defend misconduct by Hillary Clinton and other Obama administration officials.

Now that President Trump has removed AG Sessions and appointed Mr. Whitaker as Acting Attorney General, I hope the new DOJ leadership ends the abusive Mueller investigation and finally does a serious prosecution of Clinton’s email crimes and other misconduct.

Source: Judicial Watch Statement on Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions – Judicial Watch


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