Safe and Effective?

Latest Covid News Reports Claim Vaccines Are Safe — But That’s Not What the ‘Godfather of Vaccines’ Said Six Months Ago • Children s Health Defense

In 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sued the US Government over childhood shots, which were not tested using the standard 3 year, placebo test. Dr. Fauci wheeled his filing cabinet into court, rummaging through the cabinet until finally announcing, “I can’t find it (the file showing child shots have been tested), I’ll get it to you”. Dr. Fauci never did give them the file. One year later the Government admitted, they did not have the information. (RFKJr)

Therefore, seventy childhood shots have not been tested using the standard 3 year placebo test. Among the Amish community, who do not take any shots, there is zero ADHD. ADHD among American children is 1/36! Do you see the difference?

Even more shocking, are the revelations of the so called safe and effective Covid shots, for pregnant women. Pfizer only fully tested 36 women, 28 of whom miscarried! That is 78% of pregnant women miscarried(Pfizer 3 month Report, which the FDA refused to make public for 75 years). It is devastating for women and their families to have a miscarriage, yet these shots were deemed safe. That is a travesty beyond belief and inhuman. People must be held accountable.

Praise God, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now in charge of America’s health. Expect many answers and truths to come out, and America become healthy again.

Let’s be praying for Pres. Trump’s cabinet picks. They are looking good and will bring righteous change to America. America will become a “Light on a Hill” for the world to see. Expect big challenges for the first two years before we see significant progress on the ground.

The Safe and Effective narrative, is now being questioned in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

In an article published in July in the NEJM, Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin, vaccinologist and emeritus professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, and his co-authors identified gaps in vaccine safety testing, inadequacies in vaccine clinical trials and a lack of scientific knowledge about the biological mechanisms causing many common vaccine-related injuries.

The authors wrote:

¡°Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow-up durations, and population heterogeneity.…

The NEJM article also noted that the biological mechanisms underlying common vaccine-related adverse events, including Guillain-Barr syndrome and myocarditis, are unknown and that for over three-quarters of vaccine-related health outcomes, there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove a causal link with vaccines….

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