The Election


I never thought we would intercede for the US elections but last week the Holy Spirit gave me a burden to pray. There are enormous challenges and serious issues at stake. Many Pastors and leaders are saying this is a pivotal election which will decide the moral climate for the next thirty years. Dutch Sheets says “I have prayed and wept much over the condition of our nation, and continue to be deeply burdened.” What is God’s view of the election?

It is not about politics or who wins. The critical factor is God’s values in America. It reminds me of the elections in New Zealand, 1975. God spoke to Pastor, “It is critical for New Zealand’s future that we have a government who supports Israel”. This was impossible because most people supported the Government who did not have a policy towards Israel. We fasted three days and interceded until God gave us a promise. We saw New Zealanders do a 180 degree turn and vote for the opposition National party who supported Israel!

Early this year, through the internet, we joined Dutch Sheets and interceded for America. God gave Dutch and others a word saying, “America has turned”. I had a witness to that word. Reliable prophets Rick Joyner, Lou Engle, Terry Bennett, Hank Kunneman and others have heard from God about the election. 

They confirm God’s desire to see America live according to his standards on abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and Israel.

God said to Rick Joyner, “The next President will be an alley fighter”. One of Lou Engle’s staff had a dream where Trump was in the White House, on his knees weeping over Ezekiel 22.30, “I looked for a man to stand in the gap”. Terry Bennett’s word was “The constitution will be safe with Trump”. Lance Walnau said “Trump will be a Cyrus to America and protect the land, protect places of worship and help the economy”. Lana Vawser had a word that “Trump will lead the United States of America into TRIUMP”. Hank Kunneman had a word “Vote for godly principles not the person”.

Hank Kunneman’s word to vote for godly principles is wise. Voting for someone who supports abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, excess spending and borrowing, and forcing Christians to violate their conscience will lead America into further decline. It will take years to recover.

However it is going to take a lot of work to have Trump in the White House. Like New Zealand in 1975 we knew God’s will but it depended on God’s people praying, standing up for righteousness and voting. In NZ 1975, it took 700 of us fasting three days to turn the election around. MorningStar Ministries have done a 21 day fast, Lou Engle’s ministry are doing a 40 day fast. It will need this kind of commitment to turn the tables.

Even though we know God’s will he will not move sovereignly. There are many references to this in the Bible. Most of the time God works through us, not without us. Secondly we will need to pray agressively. Some Christians do not like to pray division and confusion for the enemy but God did that in both the Old and New Testament. We do not fight against flesh and blood so let us use the Sword of the Spirit and bring God’s will down to earth.

Prayer points:

  1. In faith proclaim Trump the winner (according to Joyner’s prophecy)
  2. Wisdom and insight for the Trump team
  3. Command the devil get behind every Christian and not blind their eyes to the good Trump will bring to America on abortion, the constitution, religion, terror, the economy and Israel.
  4. For every Christian to see the evil that the enemy will bring to America
  5. Every Christian get out to vote
  6. Confusion in the enemy camp
  7. Revelation and repentance of God’s enemies, that they will vote for righteous values
  8. Any vote rigging be exposed
  9. The truth about candidates be revealed

After Trump’s election he is going to need a lot of prayer. For people who criticise his character and behaviour, I would remind them that non-Christians behave like that. Go into the city streets at mid-night and you will be shocked to see how people behave. The New Zealand police chief says, “Nothing good happens after 3 o’clock in the morning”.

James Dobson has led Trump in a re-dedication prayer, so Trump is making a fresh start. I know James Dobson is a mature and well balanced Christian who has the courage to speak into Trump’s life. He will speak the truth and not butter him up, I assure you. Dobson and Franklin Graham are in Trump’s advisory team so he has godly support and advice behind him, so Trump is in good hands. I will be praying that Trump stands for God’s standards and bring God’s goodness back to America.

Let us all stand for righteousness and God’s will be done in America.

God Bless

Love Tim & Faith

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