Rep. Jim Jordan smells a rat

Jim Jordon smells a rat and is not letting go. Rep. Jim Jordan presses former Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the origin of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

“You charge Rick Gates with false statements. You charge Paul Manafort with false statements. You charge Michael Cohen with false statements. You charge Michael Flynn, a three-star general with false statements. But the guy (Mifsud) who puts the country through this whole saga, starts it all for three years we’ve lived this now, he lies and you guys don’t charge him. And I’m curious as to why,” he said.

Mueller doesn’t answer but says, “He’s not going into it!” Mifsud has extensive contacts within the US government, passed information to a Trump campaign person saying, Trump was colluding with Russia. This started the whole Russia Trump collusion investigation. Why was Mifsud not prosecuted for lying like the others?

It looks suspicious, I smell a rat! My guidance is, those responsible for bringing justice must vigorously pursue “The Deep State” and bring them to justice.

Keep praying, God is answering our prayers. AG Barr, Durham, Jim Jordon and others are determined to get to bottom of it!


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