Praying for several hours at a time can be difficult and very tiring. We are not eloquent speakers and we do not have a lot of words to pray. Often our prayers are short and to the point! Therefore speaking in tounges is very helpful for long and difficult intercessions.
During the early years of ministry it was our custom to have half nights of prayer, 10pm to 2am. One night we were praying for two young men. We had been discipling them for over a year but that night when we began to pray, the Holy Spirit suddenly burdened our hearts. The burden was intense but we did not know why! We began praying fervently, one two three hours. We continued to pray in tounges until the burden lifted.
The following month we met the brothers for training. Brother Zach asked a very important question. “When we pray in tounges, do we begin praying ourselves or does the Holy Spirit begin for us?”
We explained from scripture that both can happen and shared that most of the time, it begins with us. We can chose to speak in tounges or not.
At that moment Bro Zach shared a testimony. He has been a Christian for about a year and came under conviction for his alcoholism. He tried to give up but could not. In desperation, he came up with a plan to kill himself and family, thus ending his misery.
That night he went home and got out a chopper. He chased his wife around the house but she fled taking their son. Bro Zach collapsed on the floor drunk.
In the early hours of the morning he woke up. Suddenly there was a rushing wind in the house and he began speaking in tounges. He could not stop shaking and speaking in tounges.
When the sun came up he went to his father’s house to get his wife and son. When he arrived at the door, his father gave him a small glass of wine and said, “This is your last drink!”.
Bro Zach drank that glass of wine and repented of his alcoholism.
We believe our half night of prayer was the night Zach tried to kill his wife and child. Without knowing it, we were interceding for the families lives.
This is the power of praying in tounges. We don’t know what we are praying, it is the Holy Spirit praying through us in the best and most effective way.
This is why we spend a lot of time praying in tounges when we intercede. Although we are praying for a situation, it is difficult to keep praying in our native language. Also there are things we do not understand about the situation but if we pray in tounges, the Holy Spirit will intercede on our behalf, Rom 8:26-27.
When you pray, spend some time praying in tounges. You will find it easier to pray long hours, more prayers will be answered and the breakthrough will come more quickly.
Happy praying and see you next week.
God Bless
Love Tim & Faith
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