Disappointing outcome in Sussmann’s case

Not entirely unexpected, Sussmann has won the case of lying to the FBI. With a pro Democrat jury and the Judge not allowing a key text message between Sussmann and the FBI, it was very difficult for Durham to win the case.

Let’s not give up. We know, and the Deep State know, they are corrupt. As Trey Gowdy says, “One day they will make a mistake, then we will have them!”

They will be brought to justice according to Cindy Jacobs’ prophecy, Hank Kunneman prophesied, “God is exposing followed by restoring”, let’s keep standing with the States, we will succeed if we do not give up so let’s keep declaring God’s promises

FoxNews: The jury on Tuesday found Michael Sussmann not guilty of making a false statement to the FBI in September 2016 when he said he was not working on behalf of any client, when he brought information alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank.


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