Why no Indictments?

Jim Jordan is one of several people continuing to pursue “The Deep State”. One question people keep asking him, “When are people going to be indicted?” I ask the same question.

I am shocked, Obama, Brennan, Comey, Clinton and others lying to Congress. And then there’s the FBI saying to the FISA court, the Steele dossier is verified. An athlete lied about a urine test and sent to prison for one year! Where is the justice?

“When are people going to be indicted?”

Then Clinton obstructing justice by bleach washing her computer, the FBI destroying phones and Clinton exposing over 100 top secret emails. A sailor took photos inside a nuclear submarine to show his children and went to prison for one year! Where is the justice?

Let’s keep praying for AG Barr and Durham, they find all the truth and do not let “The Deep State” escape. Remember the cat and the mouse!


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