“There was a time, when we saw someone standing on the edge of a bridge we would show compassion and do all we could to talk them out of jumping. Now we show compassion by pushing them off!” |
Sadly, New Zealand’s Parliament voted to have a referendum on euthanasia during next years election. This makes it more likely the euthanasia bill will pass next month, Wed Nov 13th. Let’s not give up praying, this bill can still be defeated.
“Lord open the Governments eyes to see euthanasia is helping someone kill themselves and defeat this bill, AMEN”
StuffNZ: New Zealanders will likely be asked to decide whether euthanasia should be legal in a referendum at the 2020 election after a tight vote in Parliament.David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill was amended on Wednesday night to include a binding referendum on whether it should come into force, by a knife-edge vote of 63 to 57. ….. the referendum gives it (the bill) a much higher chance of passing as it keeps NZ First on board with the legislation.
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