Euthanasia New Zealand


A lot has happened since we began praying against the euthanasia bill. Spiritual attacks have been intense, the second reading was not held, one Christian MP Alfred Ngaro and Destiny Church announced they will start new parties or join together for the 2020 election.

Keep praying Church, God is moving!

(update May 24th. New Zealand Parliament did not hold the second reading as planned. The second reading is the critical vote which almost certainly leads to law, so this intercession is now urgent. Several people in a NZ intercessors group experienced near death sickness amoung healthy, stable people. They can only describe events as demonic so I strongly suggest, intercessors read Ps. Neville Johnson’s “Whole Armour of God” and keep yourself protected)

New Zealand votes on two critical bills in Parliament, euthanasia and abortion, within the next few weeks so this is a critical time for the country. New Zealand has already legalised gay marriage, prostitution, gambling, synthetic drugs and is not supportive of Israel. I don’t want to sound negative but New Zealand is already in a serious condition so passing the euthanasia and abortion bill will be two more nails in the coffin! However I am hopeful these bills won’t pass. God is speaking.

(update May 7th. Since writing this the NZ Government has voted to allow a referendum legalising cannabis! This is a bad idea. Update May 18th: this law has been passed so there will be a referendum in the 2020 election for people to choose whether to legalise cannabis or not)

(update May 24th. Destiny Church Auckland has announced they are starting a new political party because they are concerned with the direction New Zealand is going. MP Alfred Ngaro is also considering starting a new party or joining with Destiny. God is giving us a sign, he is moving in government)

Several months ago, when the prayer center was interceding, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of an eye with the interpretation, “The Holy Spirit will open the eyes of government and the public to see euthanasia is helping someone kill themselves”. I hope I never have to suffer a prolonged, painful death but euthanasia is not showing compassion. Nowhere in the Bible has God honoured people who help others commit suicide. Life is in God’s hands and his way is to bring healing not death.

Two weeks ago a brother, not knowing we were praying for NZ, shared a vision. He saw Jesus standing over New Zealand with a sword. There were words written on the sword but he could not read them. He received a revelation that Jesus is going to turn the government and the people of NZ. We don’t know if this is referring to euthanasia by it is very similar to my guidance, it is uncanny.

When the Al-Noor mosque was attacked Jennifer LeClaire prophesied, “… the Lord showed me He wanted to bring a new voice of healing movement to New Zealand. He showed me He was putting the government of the nation back into the hands of the intercessors.” Euthanasia and abortion are not healing but death. God is putting the government in the hands of the intercessors. Intercessors, we have the authority to move the government. This is encouraging and builds our faith for a successful intercession. Now let’s look at New Zealand’s spiritual condition?

Prophets say, in 2019 God will decide which countries become sheep nations and which become goat nations. In 1975 the Queen St. AOG interceded for New Zealand and we saw the country change time after time. Why does the country continue to backslide when there are so many more mega Churches and Christians compared to 1975? These are critical times and not a time to take it easy or think everything will be OK. Things are not working out for New Zealand, something is seriously wrong.

Ps. Tak Bhana, prophets from “The Trumpet Call” and my guidance part one and part two is, the Church is responsible for the nation. Rick Joyner says, a country is a reflection of their Church, 2 Chronicles 7:14. I agree. When we study men, women and nations who fulfilled their call, we see several characteristics shining through. They were godly people who patiently endured before receiving God’s promise, Hebrews 6:9-15. God spoke clearly to prophets in New Zealand (The Trumpet Call); sin and disobedience, a lack of fervent prayer and a lack of faith are holding New Zealand back. (I should also include love and unity)

New Zealand is called to be a sheep nation but remember, Israel had a call to become salt and light to the surrounding nations but missed because of sin and disobedience. Judas was called an Apostle but missed because of the love of money. Notice it was not because of their ancestor’s sins, curses on the land or from a lack of inner healing. Now let’s look at how the euthanasia bill and public opinion is developing in New Zealand.

The last attempt to pass a euthanasia law was 2003 and was narrowly defeated 59 to 58. Sixteen years later society is far more liberal and the media is very vocal, supporting euthanasia. Almost 70% of New Zealanders believe in euthanasia, so this is a very challenging intercession!

Palliative care experts point out, mistakes can shorten a person’s life who may otherwise have lived. Family members of the suffering are more likely to persuade someone to take their life, relieving themselves as care givers. European countries are now extending euthanasia to the mentally ill and others. Once Pandora’s Box is opened, it is hard to close the lid. Euthanasia is never a good idea. The challenge to turn NZ becomes greater.

Maggie Barry, Euthanasia Bill chairwoman, said that quite apart from any moral grounds it is a bad law, poorly drafted with inadequate safeguards for the elderly and the handicapped.  ACT party say there must be a referendum before agreeing to the bill. Barry says, we are not there yet but the consensus seems to be that it will not pass. Seymour is back pedaling fast to try to get his bill accepted by removing several portions of his bill. (NZ Herald reported , “Justice Minister Andrew Little confirmed he expected to be able to make an announcement in the next few weeks, after reaching agreement with NZ First this week.” but did not give details of the agreement)

Let us not be lulled into a false sense of security or a “she’ll be right mate attitude!” That would be a fatal mistake. Remember 70% of New Zealanders support euthanasia and 70% of Parliament, following a conscience vote, allowed the first reading. We are still a long way from changing New Zealand but let’s be encouraged by Barry’s assessment!

When Rees Howells prayed for the allies against Hitler in WW2, Rees would spend time with the Holy Spirit in the early hours, seeking him for direction. The Holy Spirit would give specific guidance for each battle. During the day, afternoon and evening meetings the college would intercede according to the word God gave Rees. They would pray until God gave them an assurance the allies would win that battle. Then they stood in faith believing God would answer their prayer. After several days or weeks the news came on the radio, the Allies had won the battle!

After receiving guidance about euthanasia, we spent hours praying. We prayed two things; one, open the government’s eyes and two, open the public’s eyes to see euthanasia is helping someone kill themselves, it is not showing compassion. The battle was not easy, it took hours of prayer over many weeks. There was spiritual opposition throughout the time of intercession. To keep focused on one thing was not easy and took discipline of mind and perseverance. We spent time with the prayer center, whenever we went out shopping we interceded, we prayed in our closet and spent time as a couple until we had the assurance, “God will open their eyes, the euthanasia bill will not pass!”

Something else we do differently from others, we do not pray looking up to God but we pray looking down on the situation. We stand with Christ in the heavenlies looking down on New Zealand, using the authority God has given us to bind and loose God’s will on earth. This is key to successful intercession but remember, using our authority is of no use if we are following a life of sin and disobedience.

Pastors and Leaders, call a solemn assembly. Call the Church to obey God immediately, turn from all known sin and put off the weights which hold them down. Challenge your members to run with endurance the race set before them, putting their faith in Jesus to give them victory in all areas of their lives. Pray throughout the night, have times of fasting, do not let the enemy take any more ground. When we walk uprightly, God will hear our prayers and heal our land.

Stand with us for New Zealand, that the euthanasia bill coming before Parliament will not pass, that politicians and the public’s eyes will be opened to see euthanasia is helping someone kill themselves, it is not showing compassion.

These are critical times for New Zealand where she can come into her inheritance as a sheep nation or not. Let’s stand together and not miss God’s call.

Proclaim from the heavenlies!

  1. NZ Parliament eyes be opened to see euthanasia is helping someone commit suicide
  2. NZ people’s eyes be opened to see euthanasia is helping someone commit suicide
  3. The euthanasia bill will not pass

Keep praying

  1. The abortion bill will not pass

Your Standing Ones

Tim & Faith


  1. Jennifer LeClaire.
    “Even as Smith Wigglesworth prophesied a Word and Spirit movement in the last day—the combination of My Word and My Spirit—I will use you to demonstrate and to manifest this movement among your people in your land. This will spill out upon the edges of this great nation. This will spill out over into the nations of the earth as the glory will cover the t in the last days. The knowledge of the glory of the Lord—the knowledge of the glory of the Lord—will come from this nation.

When preaching from this word, the Lord showed me He wanted to bring a new voice of healing movement to New Zealand. He showed me He was putting the government of the nation back into the hands of the intercessors.”

  1. Seymour’s bill

Seymour, who is the bill’s sponsor, has published a report detailing a raft of amendments he expects Parliament’s Justice Select Committee to consider.

The suggested removal of permitting assisted death in cases of grievous and irremediable illness was a “shame” and would come as a disappointment to many.

Beyond fundamental changes, he has addressed nuances such as: explicitly eliminating advanced directives, clarifying the required capacity for informed consent, allowing pharmacists to conscientiously object to involvement, and ensuring medical professionals aren’t liable for criminal prosecution.

Many of the specifications, such as the removal of mental illness, were already implicit in the bill, he said.

Seymour said detailed discussions with MPs made clear certain changes were required.

A public referendum was a condition required to earn the support of the nine NZ First MPs, while the eight Green MPs wouldn’t support the bill for those without terminal illness due to fears held by the disabled community.

A bill restricted to terminal illness and headed for a public vote was also more likely to gain support of individual Labour and National MPs, he said.

“Those are the political considerations. But also, everything in my report is a result of public feedback.”

  1. Maggie Barry

Maggie Barry, chair of the committee on the Euthanasia Bill says, the committee was not able to agree the bill should be passed so sent the decision to Parliament.  She said that quite apart from any moral grounds it is a bad law, poorly drafted with inadequate safeguards for the elderly and the handicapped.  ACT party say there must be a referendum before agreeing to the bill. Seymour is back pedalling fast to try to get his bill accepted.

We are not there yet but the consensus seems to be that it will not pass.

  1. Disabled people appeal to Parliament

People with disabilities and terminal illnesses spent the afternoon at Parliament today in a last-ditch bid to convince MPs to vote against the End of Life Choice Bill.

The controversial bill, in the name of Act leader David Seymour, is due to have its second reading soon.

5. NZ First makes agreement on euthanasia

NZ First has given the sign-off for possible abortion reforms, but has pulled the pin on a referendum on MMP to lower the five per cent threshold for parties to enter Parliament.

After months of delay, a breakthrough on abortion reforms will see Cabinet soon consider a possible new regime that is expected to allow women to seek abortions by choice up to about 20 weeks.

Justice Minister Andrew Little confirmed he expected to be able to make an announcement in the next few weeks, after reaching agreement with NZ First this week.


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