Ninety per cent of submissions on euthanasia bill say no to assisted dying

After thousands of submissions, 90% were against euthanasia, Seymour continues to push his bill.

In Europe they introduced euthanasia and now want it extended to psychiatric patients. This is the devils plan. Slowly warm up the water! We’ve seen it with New Zealand legalising abortion and prostitution. Now the NZ government is considering allowing brothels in suburban areas.

Initially the laws are strict but over time become more and more immoral.

My guidance is to pray New Zealanders and government members eyes will be opened to the truth they are helping people kill themselves, they are not showing mercy. Let’s keep proclaiming.

NZHerald: Six of the eight health committee members voted against Seymour’s bill at the first reading, having “listened carefully to the evidence, and voted accordingly”.

“We hope the members of the justice select committee will demonstrate a similar respect for the mountain of evidence showing that legalising euthanasia is unnecessary, unwise and dangerous.

“But Seymour said the justice committee submissions did not reflect public opinion in the way that a scientific survey did. “Nobody would take seriously an opinion survey where the respondents were self-selected.

“What we have here is fewer than 1 per cent of New Zealanders who have made submissions. The overwhelming majority of them are less than a paragraph and they have done it in response to concerted campaigns by certain organisations.”

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