Mid-Terms: “Things Are Not as They Appear”

Another encouraging prophecy about the mid-Terms, “Things are not as they appear!” Kathi does not have a specific word about the Red Wave which did not happen, but she encourages us to have faith in God for the mid-Terms. Mark Taylor’s word was the Red Wave did not happen because of voter fraud. When we were praying all fraud be exposed, Faith saw a gavel coming down, bringing justice in the elections. Now the Florida police department have opened a criminal investigation, so let’s pray they uncover all illegal and fraudulent activities.

Kat Kerr’s word was, some Democrats will vote for righteous laws, thus bringing righteousness to the States so a Red Wave is still possible. Kathi’s word could also indicate this is going to happen so let’s not give up praying!

Let’s be strong in faith and believe God’s promise of a Red Wave (of Republicans and Christ’s blood of forgiveness over the States) in the States. God nearly always tests our faith and this is no exception. Kathi’s word says,

“The morning after the US mid-term elections I woke up hearing the Spirit of the Lord speak the words, “Things are not as they appear.”Although He was speaking of the election outcome, I knew in my spirit that He was also speaking about many situations that look one way even though there is more going on than we can perceive with our eyes.” Source: Kathi Pelton: “Things Are Not as They Appear”

(update: Rick Joyner said if 1% more Christians went out and voted the results would have been different. I ask, “What if all the Christians went out and voted!”, which they should have done, there would have been a Red Wave. I am shocked. The people who are the light and salt of the nation did not even bother to go out and make a difference in their country.

Now what do we have? Obstruction, delay and opposition to the country moving forward. All this could have been avoided if the Christians had gone out and voted. For 2020 I will be praying until the Holy Spirit gives me a promise, “All Christians go out and vote”. With the rise in socialism, the need for more righteous governance becomes increasingly vital)


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