Get Back in the Saddle

Get Back Saddle 02

I wanted to share Chuck Pierce’s prophecy a few weeks ago but didn’t have time to sit down and write. Today I want to encourage Christians who are struggling to obey God. I believe Chuck’s word will help give you a hand up.

Chuck is encouraging Christians who are weary, struggling to obey God and struggling in their faith. There is growth, expansion and provision ahead for those who press through and overcome. Chuck’s word is similar to a dream I had a few months ago.

In the dream I was crawling through a narrow place and was coming to the end. However it was extremely difficult to come through and I was wondering if I could make it. Then the dream ended. The context of the dream was “Living a life of godliness”. At the time I was struggling in areas of my life and wondering if I could overcome!

We are facing enormous struggles. There is the enemy without and the enemy within. The enemy without is something we have not seen for twenty years and there is the spiritual pressure. Also the people group we are reaching out to almost killed our spiritual daughter when she converted. Reaching out is frustratingly slow, unfruitful and challenging.

Then there is the enemy within, our own weaknesses and sin, a battle we face daily. The enemy without I find relatively easy to handle. The enemy within is my greatest struggle but in the dream the Lord showed me, victory will come if I obey and have faith.

When we obey God he gives us the strength, the wisdom and insight to finish the work. Faith is the channel through which his strength comes. As we obey we will come into what God has promised. For us it is an outrageous vision of 2M people who have no Church and are strongly resistant to the gospel.

If you are going through these struggles then you need to read Chuck’s prophecy. It will encourage you to persevere through to victory and great expansion. Chuck writes;

“This is a time for you to get back in the saddle. Many of you have said, ‘I’m tired of riding the range; I’m tired of patrolling; I’m tired of even the war of the field.’ But I am calling you back to the saddle! You might feel that just getting your foot in the stirrup is too hard – much less actually getting on the horse to ride again. However, I am extending a supernatural call to find your footing in the stirrup, throw your leg up and get back in the saddle. Now is your time to ride into new fields, for your range is expanding!

“To love Me is to obey. Obey My prompts or you are a child of disobedience and hardness sets in. To obey Me is to love Me. I give you things to obey and if you do not, you drift away. But My love for you remains as passionate as ever. Find out what you have turned up your nose toward that I have given you to do, and choose to push through. For in the asking is the energy and anointing to persevere and remain in Me and become an overcomer of what I have set before you. If you turn away from what I have set before you then you have wandered from the path.

If you press toward what I have set before you then you take the land and the victory is Mine. I set before you this day, and every day, an object that will take faith to overcome. Believe in Me and that I am enough for what you are facing. This will cause faith to be authored for you to step forward and push back the enemy. Truth will be uncovered and love will remain in the light of the truth.

“Do not grow weary and stop the race set before you. Do not become a coward who never steps foot into the race. I don’t anoint the foot of a coward to get going. I anoint the foot of the one that steps out. When I say run then run in the power of My might, not yours. Believe that I have already made a way where there is no way.

The path to victory is in obedience, and obedience opens My tender mercies over you. My tender mercies open the storehouse of Heaven which provides everything needed to walk in authority in this earth. Everything is available! Do you hear Me? Everything is available! Live a life where everything is available and I will blow past your wildest dreams.

“This is your time to saddle up! Run! Endure! Persevere! Be anointed! In the power of My might, obliterate the gates of hell that have been before you! Nothing before you is stronger than your love for Me and My love for you. I am placing a crown of victory on your head, so run in obedience to Me and remain faithful in the power of My might.” (Chuck D. Pierce, Candace Demerly)

Intercessors our job is to stand in the gap for Christians who are struggling. If you know someone who is struggling then encourage them, tell them they will make it through, have faith for them and they will make it. Together we are stronger.

Your persevering Saints
Love Tim & Faith 

Link to Chuck’s prophecy here


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