NZ Euthanasia Bill with uncertain future

NZHerald: “A long battle is set to break out in New Zealand Parliament as politicians begin to hammer out the details of a controversial bill legalising euthanasia.

“Stand with us, proclaiming New Zealanders eyes be opened to see, euthanasia is helping someone kill themselves! It is not showing compassion.”

This stage will see politicians debating and individually voting on possibly more than a hundred changes to the bill, in a process that may stretch – optimistically – four months.

NZ First’s members are demanding a public referendum be added to the legislation and last week put forward a supplementary order paper to that effect. Without the party’s nine votes, Seymour cannot afford to lose even a single net aye from the second reading.

Some firm supporters of the bill overall, such as Labour’s Louisa Wall, are totally opposed to a referendum.

The amendments will be debated on Members’ Days at Parliament, which only take place once every second week, and each of its four parts has to be considered in a separate session. Once all parts have been voted on, the bill will go to a third and final reading.””

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