Sadly the euthanasia bill passed in the New Zealand Parliament. Let’s not be discouraged or give up. Next year the public will vote to allow or reject this bill, so this is not the end! However the challenge is far greater. Seventy percent of New Zealanders favour this bill.
With the bill going to a referendum, it is much more difficult to defeat however our God can do the impossible. He did the impossible for Israel at the UN in 1948, where Ambassadors defied their Government’s wishes and voted in support of Israel. God can also move on New Zealander’s hearts so let’s pray fervently and not give up.
Have faith and believe the Holy Spirit will move on New Zealander’s hearts
NZHerald: Politicians on Wednesday night voted through Act leader David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill 69 votes to 51, after a debate ending two years of fierce political arguments about the legislation and decades of attempts to get reforms through the House. It will now go to a public referendum alongside next year’s general election for a final test.
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