A Repeat of the Kavanaugh Hearing!

Let’s not give up praying for AG Barr and team.

After Attorney General Bill Barr did not show up for his hearing on Thursday because Nadler wanted to question the A.G. in a manner reserved for inquests and investigations, Nadler then called the president a “dictator.

Nancy Pelosi then piled on as well calling the Attorney General a criminal. You may or may not like Barr’s demeanor, answers or his summary of the Mueller report, but he is no criminal nor does he deserve this kind of unrestrained disrespect.

It’s really hard to understand why Nadler or Pelosi believe this kind of personal vitriol will be rewarded at the ballot box. The evidence is that similar behavior during the Senate hearings of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh may have cost Democrats several U.S. Senate seats.

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