The People are not stupid and know what is going on. Now 56% of Americans believe Biden cheated in 2020! This number keeps growing as more information comes out.
Many see through the failed vaccines and mandates. These numbers will also keep increasing as people discover the truth.
Report from ElijahList: “October 11th, a new survey came out from Rasmussen Reports. It showed that people who are likely to vote in the next election overwhelmingly believe two things:
First, by a margin of 65% to 28%, they believe mail-in voting will cause more fraud in the election process. The second is the best news: Americans, by a whopping 56% over 39%, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election!”
Keep standing, keep sharing, be strong in faith knowing the Good Lord answers our prayers.
Rumble — Congressman Devin Nunes says voter anxiety about the direction of the country has produced a record surge in GOP fundraising.
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