The Jordan Parts

“and when those who carried the ark came into the Jordan, and the feet of the priests carrying the ark were dipped in the edge of the water………the waters which were flowing down from above stood [and] rose up in one heap, …..So the people crossed opposite Jericho.” Josh 3:15-16 (NASB)

 This was the situation facing us last year, a huge ocean and no way to cross. I had two dreams of tsunamis hitting New Zealand and when I prayed about it, the Holy Spirit gave me 2 Chronicles 7:14. It is God’s people who are responsible for the nation and if God’s people will walk uprightly, he will heal the land. God laid on our hearts to go to New Zealand and intercede but everything was against us!

  1. No money for the trip
  2. No one receiving us for intercession
  3. No one agreed with my guidance

But God had called us and as our feet touched the water, the seas opened up. We were in Malaysia for Chinese New Year. At that time people give red packets of money to each other. No one knew we did not have enough money but we received four very large red packets, something which has never happened before! A businessman send us two months support then a sister in Europe send just over $200US. She was sorry she was not able to send more.

I counted the money and checked the airlines. I found the cheapest flight was March the 6th. We had just enough to cover the flight so off we went. When God calls he provides. This was a huge encouragement and confirmation to us.

We were at the right place at the right time. The Jordan began to open!

The second hurdle was no one to pray with. We certainly could not intercede on our own.

One Pastor wrote saying, “You know no one is receiving you, you are coming on your own without an invitation”! I replied, “I know but God has called us to go so we are going”. I had contacted everyone I knew, asking if there were any intercessors who prayed like the Queen St. days. I couldn’t find anyone but in obedience we went knowing God would make the way.

This is the kind of obedience God is looking for, people who won’t look at the circumstances before they obey. He is looking for those who obey despite the circumstances. This is faith.

Over the next week the Holy Spirit spoke to the Pastor and a Church elder on the Hibiscus Coast(an area north of Auckland). The week after we arrived we met with them and several others. They decided to begin interceding the following week and asked us to lead. For the next ten weeks we interceded, crying out to God for the body of Christ in New Zealand.

Before we left for New Zealand I shared with the prayer center saying, “I feel like Jeremiah. No one believes my guidance but I know I am right”. It is tough when we are standing alone. During the next ten weeks of intercession with the Hibiscus Coast group, God continued to speak giving us many promises for the body of Christ.

Ps. Tak Bhana, senior pastor of a large mega church in Auckland, was given 2 Chron 7:14 for New Zealand. He said, “The church is responsible for the nation and what the church has done until now is not working. Only prayer can change the situation.”

A prophet Adrian Watts had received many words from people warning New Zealand of the seriousness of its situation. When God spoke to the churches in Revelations, he was very clear of which sins they had to repent of. He was also very clear of what would happen if they did not change. God had spoken very clearly to New Zealand through Adrian Watts and the prophets. Therefore with so many other people having the same guidance, we knew we were on the right track.

We were at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. The Jordan parted and we crossed over.

I believe God will answer our cries for New Zealand. During those ten weeks of intercession we received the following promises;

  1. Hurts of Pastors and members healed. Expect these people to come back to Church.
  2. Pastors, leaders and ministries will exalt Jesus not themselves. Expect a shift in this area.
  3. Luke warmness broken. Expect Christians to become on fire for Christ.
  4. Agape love. Expect more patience, kindness, long-suffering and sacrifice among Christians.
  5. Unity. Specifically that members will support their Pastors, Pastors and leaders will teach unity, unity among cultures and reconciliation.
  6. Sexual sins including porn, a revelation of the sin of the gay agenda. Expect repentance and confession in these areas.
  7. Faith. Expect Christians walking in a new level of faith for healing, provision and answered prayer.
  8. True repentance. Expect Christians to come under conviction of sin and turn to Christ for forgiveness and grace to overcome.
  9. Fervent prayer. Expect prayer meetings to grow in number and fervency with resulting fruit of answered prayers.
  10. Wholehearted worship of Christ and not socialising. Expect a change.
  11. Religious spirit. Expect Christians to repent of religious acts.
  12. Jezebel spirit. Expect servant heart from leaders and not a lording over the flock, transparency not manipulation.
  13. Athaliah spirit. Expect a father heart from Christians who will raise up the younger generation.
  14. Worldliness. Expect the Church to turn from materialism, spend more time with God and grow in godliness.

When the Church of New Zealand lives like this, she will be a “pearl in the Pacific” and many nations will be blessed.

“Righteousness exalts a nation,

But sin is a disgrace to [any] people.” Prov 14:34 (NASB)

Please stand with us for New Zealand, believing God will bring these things to pass. Thank you for your prayers and support. We could not have done this without you.

God Bless

Love Tim & Faith

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