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Praying for Pres. Trump

March 2, 2019 Tim 0

Frank Amedia, POTUS Shield, prophesied Feb and Mar will be a very difficult time for Trump. It is clear the Democrats are intent on impeaching […]

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Drain the swamp Donald!

February 16, 2019 Tim 0

For the FBI and DOJ to even think of removing Pres. Trump, is unthinkable. That is a coup and further proof of “The Deep State” […]

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A sign for the States!

February 16, 2019 Tim 0

Let’s take note of this sign, Patriotism will win. This is the word God gave Rick Joyner, for the States, several years ago. Even though […]

Why we Pray!

February 2, 2019 Tim 0

I think this is a good observation and why we must keep praying. “The Mueller team’s modus operandi seems to be to keep asking Trump […]