Reluctant witnesses in FISA abuse probe

For some time I have been praying, “Truth comes from the IG’s report, all lies be exposed and “The Deep State” be brought to justice”. Today’s newsflash from Fox says, reluctant witnesses in the FISA abuse probe are now willing to testify to the IG.

Will the IG really report the truth?

I was very concerned when IG Horowitz said he could not see how extreme bias affected decisions in the DOJ and FBI. I am amazed he could not see how Clinton’s criminal activity was exonerated and yet they came down heavy on Trump associates over the non existent Russian collusion. Sen Gaetz says, the IG office is where truth goes to die! These facts should be a concern for everyone.

Fortunately, IG Horowitz does not have the last say on illegal and corrupt activities in the DOJ and FBI, AG Barr and Durham are investigating and will find the truth. AG Barr has already stated, “People’s explanations of events do not match up with the facts!” Smart man, he is not fooled by the multiple lies and false evidence we have seen so far and is determined to get to the bottom of it.

Intercessors, keep praying for AG Barr, Durham and that IG Horowitz will speak the truth and nothing but the truth. God is moving, the swamp will be drained, the mouse will be caught and not let go until justice is done.

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