Thanks for praying for the New Zealand euthanasia bill. This is an extremely important time for NZ and the battle for the country is intense. One intercessory group reported that many of their intercessors suddenly feel ill, some almost to death. This reminded me of 2015 when we were interceding for NZ. Four of us had serious illnesses the night before intercession. Three had to be hospitalized and were not able to continue. I was the only person who made it through when God healed me three days later.
I strongly recommend Ps. Neville Johnson’s teaching on the “Armour of God”. If you think putting on the armour is, “When I get up in the morning I’m going to put on my helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, …” then you must read Ps. Neville’s teaching.
However in this newsletter, I want to focus on an earlier comment, “Israel and Judas missed their calls because of sin and disobedience”. A few days after sending out that newsletter, James Goll gave some excellent teaching, confirming what I shared.
Nearly every Old and New Testament saint failed their ministry because of character flaws, i.e. sin and disobedience. Almost 70% of Jesus’s teaching is character; be a peacemaker, holy, good morals, love, faithful, honest, faith, etc. None of the saints failed because they didn’t know their identity, needed inner healing, because of ancestor’s sins or a curse on the land. Everyone failed because of their character.
As a young Christian I had sin and weaknesses which held me back but did not stop me from interceding for others or growing as a Christian. I overcame sin in many areas of my life yet still struggled deeply in other areas. Yet I saw New Zealand change, alcoholics and addicts come free of their addictions and my family radically changed. So has Faith.
James Goll shared, “We cannot assume that these amazing, prophetic promises of a “Billion Soul Harvest” from Seer Prophet Bob Jones and “Stadium Christianity” by Paul Cain will automatically come into being. Some things are worth fighting for!” We need to work with God before we see God’s will happen on earth. Most of the time when God does something he does it through godly people. We give all the glory to God, but it is not true God will do everything for us.
It worries me when people say, “Let go and let God”. Often the context is a family problem! That is not a time to ignore our responsibility but to seek God for the answer and power to change our family. Rees Howells was a shining example of the Holy Spirit working through a godly person. Rees would obey God immediately. His obedience was amazing, and sometimes frightening. At our last intercessors training one sister said, “Reading Rees Howells book scares me!” I replied, “Yes I was also scared for a while so I stopped asking God how to intercede for people. But remember God loves us and will never lead us into something we can’t handle!” She nodded. Also God loves people so we must also love them and be willing to “Stand in the Gap”.
It will cost us, it is hard and there will be attacks on our lives but never forget, if we love others we will be willing to lay down our lives for them, just like Jesus. I was very disappointed when 50% of the people reading this blog stopped when I shared the cost of interceding! Pastors these are your people! We must be teaching Christians to take up their cross and pay the price to show their love. James Goll shared another important truth.
“We must learn, once again, the former lessons of “Warring over the Prophetic Promises of God” concerning the destiny over our lives, our families, cities, nations, and the Body of Christ. Yes, we can and we must stand in the gap and fight the good fight of faith. Here are a few lessons we must apply to be victorious in our spiritual warfare…”
I pray you will read James complete article. It is important for everyone so we can move forward and come into all God has for us.
Your Standing Ones
Love Tim & Faith
James Goll’s full article
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