No Mueller, no McGahn and stalled investigations

AG Barr says Mueller decides if he wants to testify to Congress. I wonder if Mueller really wants to testify. Sidney Powell, who first exposed “The Deep State”, noted actors Mueller, Weissmann, Rosenstein’s activites go back years where false evidence was presented and other abusive, illegal actions. FoxNews Swamp Watch noted how Mueller and his buddy Comey became rich during there government terms. Republicans want the Mueller Comey relationship investigated.

Keep praying and do not faint!

WashingtonPost: Democrats have yet to hear from special counsel Robert Mueller III, who led the nearly two-year investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 election and possible involvement with the Trump campaign. Even with negotiations, the earliest Mueller could testify would be next month.

An increasing number of House Democrats are frustrated by their stalled investigations into President Donald Trump, with an uncooperative chief executive, their own leader’s reluctance about impeachment and courts that could be slow to resolve the standoff.

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