The Widow

October 16, 2015 Tim 0

Recently I was wondering how can two ordinary people change a city through intercession. We are not smart or talented but two cities have changed […]

Couple Power!

October 9, 2015 Tim 0

Two years after meeting each other we had a simple wedding then moved overseas. For three years we traveled to five different cities. We trained […]

Just in Time!

September 30, 2015 Tim 0

After my encouraging experience with the Anglican Church, I returned to Queen St. AOG. They had moved into a new building and life was very […]

The Anglican Church

September 25, 2015 Tim 0

Growing up in the largest Church in New Zealand, it was a shock to the system when I moved to my local, traditional Anglican Church. […]

Intercession Gained

September 18, 2015 Tim 0

“Who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, … because this He did once for all when He offered up […]


September 9, 2015 Tim 0

Sometime after becoming a Christian I realized my family was in a mess. Six people living together but very little relationship, alcoholism and trauma. I […]

The Early Years

August 25, 2015 Tim 0

Rees Howells may be one of the greatest intercessors of all time. When the Second World War broke out, Rees Howells announced to the Bible […]

Cry out day and night

July 25, 2015 Tim 0

I received an e-mail from Bro. Phil who attended the “Stand in the Gap” training. Phil makes a very important observation of intercession in New […]

Small Beginnings

July 17, 2015 Tim 0

Dear Intercessors, When we interceded for New Zealand we were praying for the body of Christ. We did not pray for New Zealand but the […]