As Ps. Don’s plane came into land the Holy Spirit spoke, ‘This city is the Royal City’. Ps. Don was shocked, he knew the meaning of a Royal City. Jerusalem is the royal city of Israel so whatever happens in Jerusalem will happen throughout Israel. During training Ps. Don shared what happened as his plane landed. It is a remarkable story.
After landing, the bags were delayed coming off the plane. While Ps. Don stood waiting with his team, he noticed a man standing in the distance. The Holy Spirit spoke to him, ‘Go over and have a closer look at the man’. When Ps. Don and his team-mate got near him, Ps. Don saw his bags on a trolley in front of the man. The man motioned to the bags and walked off.
As the man walked off, Ps. Don and his team-mate saw the man disappear in front of their very eyes. They had seen an angel! As Ps. Don walked back to the baggage claim area the Holy Spirit spoke again, ‘A royal welcome to a Royal City’. Fifteen minutes later the bags came out into the baggage claim area.
With this word and a clear sign we continue to fulfill our responsibility for our city. Israel never came into their inheritance because of sin and disobedience. We are taking this responsibility seriously and are doing all we can to obey God’s call.
We began prayer walking the city beginning with the city gates. The gates of ancient cities were very important. Everything coming in or out of the city had to pass through the gates. The Jewish elders would sit at the city gates and judge matters of importance. As we prayed at the city gates we realised something amazing. The East and West gates represented three different religions.
Buddhism and Islam came into the city from the east. These religions brought a curse on the city. In 2004 we prayed and fasted to break the bondage of the Laughing Buddha. The following week a devout follower of the Laughing Buddha was on her death-bed with pneumonia. She accepted the Lord, was instantly cured of pneumonia and destroyed all her idols. In an area called the Laughing Buddha a brother has planted over 50 Churches(we have not been able to confirm this). Jesus has the power to free even the most devout Buddhist and break its power over a region.
At the west gate we observed something which surprised us. The early missionaries built their churches and homes at the west gate! The Royal City has a call, ‘It is a training center and many missionaries will go out from here’. A lot of teams have already gone out and we are believing for many more. So during our prayer walk we closed the east gate preventing other religions from coming in and opened the west gate for Christianity to reach the nations.
Two months after interceding, the government announced they were renovating the areas around the east and west gates, not the north or south gates! A coincidence? I do not think so. As a young Christian I saw my broken family healed from alcoholism, drugs, depression, near divorce and come into the Kingdom. Something I noticed during the process. The appearance of our house changed from being run down and peeling paint to a house that was nicely painted, a flower garden in the front, a vegetable garden at the back and peace inside. The outside was a reflection of what God was doing inside.
Are our city gates a reflection of what God is doing inside the city? I believe so. As we prayed to close the east gate of evil and open the west gate of God’s freedom and blessing, God is giving us a sign that he is on the job. We have also seen our crime rate come down, the Red Light District closed and a huge number of corrupt officials removed, all through the power of prayer. There are dark clouds of persecution on the horizon but our city is going from glory to glory. This glory is affecting the rest of the nation!
Let’s all stand in the gap for our cities. Evil is rising but we have God’s power and authority to turn it around!
God Bless
Love Tim & Faith
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