Bible in Schools Higher Stakes

Hines Satanist Poster

McClintock’s appeal to rehear the “Bible in Schools” case has been approved so we are back on the job!

This is a very interesting intercession. I mentioned in the last newsletter that it is important to follow intercessions through to the end. Situations can change and the original intercession may not cover the new development.

The man holding the “satanic and wiccans” placard is David Hines. He is leading the Secular Education Network which joined McClintock in this case. Because the Secular Network joined, submissions were delayed and the judge threw out the case. McClintock appealed that decision and has now been granted the appeal.

When I see this placard I am reminded, we do not fight against flesh and blood but spiritual powers in high places. This begs the question, does our original intercession cover this new development or do we need to intercede again?

When we prayed for “Bible in Schools” we got breakthroughs for the following points.

1. “Bible in Schools” will remain in schools
2. McClintock (the man opposing) and his daughter will become Christians
3. Confusion and division amoung the enemy
4. Wisdom for the judge and defence lawyers
5. Encouragement and blessings for the Red Beach School board

McClintock has dropped the case against the Red Beach School Board acknowledging children have a choice to opt out of the classes. The School Board is no longer involved. McClintock and the Secular Education Network are now bringing their case against the Attorney-General of New Zealand.

BiS Satanist Donation

The placard and receiving donations from the “Temple of Satan” means the stakes are much higher. Spiritual powers are involved in the case. Does this mean we must intercede again?

The four promises God gave:

1. “Bible in Schools” will remain in schools (nothing or no one will stop this case succeeding)
2. McClintock (the man opposing) and his daughter will become Christians
3. Confusion and division amoung the enemy (this includes any new person or spiritual power which comes against the case)
4. Wisdom for the judge and defence lawyers (the Holy Spirit will give the judges and lawyers wisdom to cover all situations)

Therefore our original intercession is still valid and will succeed, if we fulfill our responsibility.

Our responsibility: Declare the promises God has given us for “Bible in Schools”. We do not need to pray (ask) for these again. God has already promised them and he will keep his promise.

God will answer these prayers if we continue to be strong in faith and do not give up. So let’s stand together!

When more people stand together there is more power of the Holy Spirit to push the devil back and win this case.

Praise be to God who is fighting for us!

Love Tim & Faith

(Update: Bible in Schools is not the program used in NZ schools. What was known as the ‘Nelson System’ allowed schools to close officially for half an hour per week, during which time religious instruction took place. Now the Christian Education Commission (CEC) runs these programs, led by 2,500 volunteers. The CEC mission is “To equip and inspire Kiwi kids through values-based Christian Religious Education”. )


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