The election is over, the votes are counted – now what?

House committee approves bill to disperse the Knesset, December 26th, 2018.

(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Let’s keep praying God’s protection of the election results.

Netanyahu’s path to Prime Minister is most likely with firm support of most right wing parties but is still not assured. Soldiers, diplomats and other votes are still being counted so there could be a dramatic change. After the results are finalised, the President still must consult with party leaders for who will have the first choice to form a government.

Lord we pray Netanyahu will have the first choice to forma a government and become Prime Minister.

JPost: There are, of course, reasonable predictions to be made. Likud leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have a much easier path to forming a coalition than Blue and White leader Benny Gantz does, making Netanyahu remaining in office the most likely scenario.

The “double envelope” votes of soldiers, diplomats, Jewish Agency emissaries, sailors, women in battered women’s shelters and people in prison and in hospitals will be counted by early Thursday morning, which could shift the expected makeup of the Knesset. In the last election, UTJ and the Joint List lost seats because of the double envelopes, and the Likud and Meretz each gained. In 2013, UAL-Ta’al lost a seat, which went to Bayit Yehudi. This time, the change may be more drastic, because the New Right is on the cusp of getting in, which would shuffle four whole seats.

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