Keep praying for Netanyahu

June 22, 2022 Tim 0

As we were praying for Netanyahu’s court cases, Faith had a vision of a Judge’s gravel coming down giving Netanyahu justice. In my opinion the […]

In God we trust

June 21, 2022 Tim 0

In times of trouble and turmoil, keep your trust in the one who holds up the world, who is love and is just. FoxNews: fire […]

70% believe Mules movie

June 10, 2022 Tim 0

“2000 Mules” is having a huge impact with over 70% of viewers believing the movie reinforces their belief, the 2020 election was fraudulent. 15% of […]

Mules movie bringing justice

June 1, 2022 Tim 0

After exposing widespread 2020 election fraud in the movie “2,000 Mules”, officials are moving into action. Authorities in Arizona have indicted one school board member […]

Germany sued by Dr. Fuellmich

February 9, 2022 Tim 0

Dr. Fuellmich is an experienced lawyer, even suing the German Deutsche Bank and the Volkswagen car company. Dr.Fuellmich has strong words against the German Government, […]

Corona court cases

February 7, 2022 Tim 0

Germany, England, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and other countries are taking their Governments to court, for crimes against humanity. In the beginning, lockdowns seemed […]