God is a winner. He has never lost a battle and he never will. It is reassuring to know we are on the winning team.
I see in the life of Job a winner in righteousness, Samuel a winner in obedience, King David a winner in war and Rees Howells a winner in intercession. Rees Howells never lost an intercession but won every time.
Until recently we have never lost an intercession. This loss was personally, very disappointing but I would like to share about it because it will help us learn.
A friend emailed us saying his daughter was wanting to divorce and asked us to pray.
We know God hates divorce and treasures family relationships. Both our families were dysfunctional and we know the pain of living in a family that is not working. The pain of parents divorcing is worse so we were very fervent and diligent to intercede for our friend.
We continued to intercede until we sensed the breakthrough. Whenever God has given us a promise or we have sensed a breakthrough, God has always answered the prayer. God has been faithful and knowing how much he treasures families, we know he would answer this prayer.
Sadly the couple divorced, the children going with the mother and the husband on his own way. For several weeks I, Tim, was very downhearted. What went wrong? Why did the intercession fail?
I prayed, asking the Lord what went wrong with the intercession. During that time of seeking him I remember at one point thinking, “even if they divorce God will bring them back”.
We had not prayed they would come back from a divorce. We interceded and got an assurance the couple would not to divorce. To think anything less than that is not faith.
Hence my faith had not been perfect and had not been in line with the intercession. The man who doubts or wavers will not receive anything from God. We can lose our prayer request as quickly and as easily as that.
When Peter walked on water, he sank immediately he doubted. We can lose something as quickly and as easily as that.
We must be strong in faith after receiving the promise. Any wavering then we lose the intercession.
Now, I am praying for that couple to come back and grow in their marriage. It is possible!
Sometimes, as in the divorce case, we can recover the prayer but it may not always be so. When we lose an intercession there could be serious implications for years to come.
Let us be faithful to what God has called us.
Has your faith failed in an area? Seek God for another chance. He is a God of second chances.
Are you still waiting to receive your intercession? Be strong in faith because God is faithful and he will give you what he promised.
Until next week, take care.
Love Tim & Faith
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