Netanyahu’s narrative on corruption cases -Analysis

When praying for Netanyahu Faith had a vision of a gavel falling. We believe and pray justice will be done in this case and Netanyahu will not be prosecuted.

The following article is an analysis of arguments for and against Netanyahu’s case. Arguments against Netanyahu look very weak to me!

JPost: The Jerusalem Post has learned that Netanyahu will attack nearly every point in the 57-page charge sheet head-on, starting with Case 4000’s key state’s witnesses and former top aides to the prime minister Shlomo Filber and Nir Hefetz. In Case 4000, Netanyahu is accused of influencing government telecommunication’s policy to help Shaul Elovitch who owned Bezeq in return for positive coverage by the media outlet Walla, also owned by Elovitch.

The following is a guide to what the prime minister’s responses will likely be on an array of claims in Case 4000:

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