Prophet Hank Kunneman prophesies, God is going to TURN America around in these midterms and bring down the extreme left who are destroying the country. Intercession for the States is enormous and of quality, and now God is turning the nation back to him, bringing America into her inheritance.
Remember it’s not about the Politics, it’s not about the Person, it’s about the Purposes of God.
Faith without works is dead so encourage every Christian to go out and vote for righteous leaders. Remember 2018 midterms were lost because 30M Christians did not go out and vote.
Pennsylvania SOS is allowing undated mail-in ballots to be counted. Pray against this and all fake ballots be found and removed.
Keep declaring all election fraudsters be indicted, rightful winners of 2020 elections installed, election integrity and democracy restored, RHINOS repent or be removed, all cheating stopped and honest 2022 midterms
watch video at 1hr 53mins
FlashPoint LIVE Phoenix: The MidTURN!
Published on October 21, 2022
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