It is easy to focus on negative aspects of a situation especially when there are so many problems. Lance Wallnau lists things which are working for America and where they are winning.
Keeping a balanced view is crucial to victory. If we focus on the negative we become discouraged and lose faith. Remembering the victories as we move forward, will encourage us and help keep our faith in the Lord.
Hank Kunneman prophesied, “God is exposing followed by restoring”, let’s keep standing with the States, we will win if we do not give up
Lance’s Force Field Analysis: Where we are winning! | Lance Wallnau
LanceWallnau July 1, 2022
Lance, Mercedes, Carl, and Jonathan as they take a deep dive into Force Field Analysis! They’re looking at the major drivers that are moving against us and the victories of what’s working for us. You can try this analysis with anything – your job, your relationships – it doesn’t matter what it is!
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