Data collected from the Pfizer three month roll out report, of February 2021, shows massive increases in miscarriages. The FDA refused to make this report public for 75 years. The FDA was forced to reveal the data, under court order, and complete the report by November 2021!
The data had about 280 pregnant women in the report. Only 36 were followed up full term after the shots, 28 of whom miscarried! This is a 78% miscarriage rate. Even worse, the fact that only 36 women were followed up, was in a footnote in a section of the report, completely unrelated to miscarriages or pregnant women. The report is 300,000 pages long! (Dr. Noami) On the basis of this, authorities said the shots are safe for pregnant women.
The US Armed Forces found a 25% miscarriage increase in 2021, compared to the previous four years. (Lawyer Renz) Lawyer Renz has both the hard and soft copy of this data.
Robert Kennedy Jnr noticed over many years research, pharmaceutical companies hid or skewed statistics, if the data did not favour their product. (Robert Kennedy Jnr, “The real Anthony Fauci”)
Text taken from a conversation by Dr. Naomi Wolf with Dr. Thorp about the FDA report:
Dr Thorp:
In my vast clinical experience, I have seen massive disruption of normal menstruation patterns, which you well know. And that did not occur until after the rollout of the vaccine. I have seen a marked increase in infertility, male and female.
If the [couple] do conceive, then there’s a substantial risk of miscarriage. And I stand by what we [both] have interpreted and what I have published, there’s an 81% risk of miscarriage from Pfizer’s own data. There is an increase in malformations of all organ systems, a substantial increase in fetal death, substantial increase in severe early onset preeclampsia, in preterm premature membrane rupture, an increase in spontaneous preterm labor, an increase in indicated preterm delivery due to vaccine complications. In trying to prevent a death in utero, we are seeing an increase in cardiac anomalies, cardiac malformations, and in the early death of the fetus. I am also seeing an increase in premature delivery and death of the newborns. Therte is a massive increase in newborns going to the neonatal intensive care unit. There are substantial abnormalities of the placenta.
Dr. Naomi Wolf:
Stunning, terrifying. Dr. Thorp is, in his interpretation of over 80% spontaneous abortions and miscarriages in the Pfizer documents independently finding what our WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers also found in the Pfizer documents. And his description of compromised placentas, stillbirth, premature labor, and babies with malformations is independently confirmed by, and I stress this as a journalist, two midwives in two separate practices, whom we at DailyClout interviewed. Dr Thorp’s account also confirms a new report out by DailyClout’s COO Amy Kelly, showing placental problems in a pathology report of a vaccinated mother. So now we have four independent sources confirming the same serious problems for babies and moms. …
Video from Dr. Naomi Wolf:
Outspoken: “Amy Kelly/ DailyClout Reveal Canadian Reproductive Damage Crisis Post-2021”
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